Chit Chats Webinars

We will be hosting a webinar Mon to Thu during the week of February 10, where we dive into the recent changes. We’ll have a specialist on hand to share what we know and address any questions you have. 

With all the changes recently implemented, we understand it’s a lot to navigate. We will be hosting a webinar Mon to Thu where we dive into some of these changes. We’ll have a specialist on hand to share what we know, related resources, and address any questions you may have. 

Find the Zoom link below that can be used to join Monday to Thursday at 2pm ET/11 am PST. 

Can’t attend? No worries! We will share the recordings here so be sure to check back and bookmark this blog post. 

Topic Schedule

Mon, Feb 10Recording Link
HTS Codes vs HS Codes: What’s the difference and how to find yoursWe break down the differences and provide resources you can use and will walk through a few examples. 
Tue, Feb 11Recording Link
Learn about the Country of OriginJoin this webinar to learn more about Country of Origin and ask your questions.
Wed, Feb 12Recording Link
Duties, DDU and DDPConfused about duties and who the Importer is? We break it down and share what we know so far. 
Thu, Feb 13
Save time with Presets: Country of Origin, HTS codes and moreLearn how to save time uploading Country of Origin and HTS Codes with our handy presets.
Wed, Feb 19
Topic to be announced

*Webinars will be held in English